Sustainability and Other Reporting

We aspire to be the world’s most exceptional financial institution, united by our shared values of partnership, client service, integrity and excellence. As such, we view sustainability through a broad lens, spanning our work with clients, how we manage the firm, and how we engage with external stakeholders. Our reports and statements on sustainability, conduct, and more can be found here.

Sustainability Reports

Our approach to sustainability is driven through our work with clients, how we manage our firm and how we address market gaps, including through partnerships, engagement and impact.

2023 Report | Historical Reports

2022 SASB Report

Our ongoing commitment is to provide disclosure under the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards.

2022 Index | 2021 Index

Goldman Sachs 2023 People Strategy Report

It is only with the determination and dedication of our people that we can serve our clients, generate long-term value for our shareholders and contribute to our broader communities.

Pay Equity Statement

This statement provides information regarding our gender and race pay gaps. 

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Report

We believe in the importance of providing greater transparency on our approach to managing climate-related risks and opportunities across our business and operations.

2023 Report | 2021 Report

Asset & Wealth Management Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures 2022 Report

The AWM TCFD 2022 Report has been developed in line with the UK Financial Conduct Authority rules and guidance as set out in the FCA ESG Sourcebook

2023 | 2022

Statement on Policy Engagement and Political Participation

Goldman Sachs has policies and procedures governing the political activities of the firm, our political action committee and our employees.

Federal Lobbying Costs

Access our quarterly disclosure of U.S. federal lobbying costs (paid directly and through trade associations) and the issues to which our lobbying efforts relate pursuant to the Lobbying Disclosure Act.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

This Code outlines the policies and practices that define who we are and what we stand for as a firm.

Statement on Human Rights

Our respect for human rights is fundamental to and informs our business; it guides us in how we treat and train our employees, and how we work with our clients and our vendors.

Statements on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

This statement sets out the steps we have taken and are taking to assess the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking and to ensure they are not taking place within our business and our supply chain.

Anti-Money Laundering Program

Goldman Sachs is committed to combating money laundering, terrorist financing, securities fraud and other financial crimes.

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption

The firm does not tolerate bribery or corruption involving our people, vendors, agents, or other business partners.

GSAM Statement on Responsible and Sustainable Investing

At Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM), we believe environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are important tools for identifying investment risk and capturing opportunity. 

Business Principles

More than four decades after they were put down on paper, Goldman Sachs’ 14 Business Principles continue to be elemental to the firm’s identity and the common set of values shared by its employees around the globe.

Business Standards Committee

In May 2010, we created our Business Standards Committee to conduct an extensive review of our business standards and practices. The Committee’s report represents our commitment to communicate the changes we have made – and continue to make – and their impact in making us a better firm.

Goldman Sachs Vendor Code of Conduct

All vendors engaged in providing products and services to Goldman Sachs are expected to act in accordance with our code of conduct.

Statement on Tax Compliance

This statement provides further detail on Goldman Sachs policy regarding tax compliance.

Principles for Responsible Banking Report

Our reporting in connection with the Principles for Responsible Banking.