Sustainability and Impact Investing

At Goldman Sachs, we believe that strong communities are the foundation of a prosperous society. Through our Sustainability and Impact Investing initiatives, we find innovative commercial solutions that address social and civic challenges in communities across the United States.

The Urban Investment Group is a domestic, multi-asset class investing and lending business deploying over $3 billion annually in community and economic development through real estate projects, social enterprises, and lending facilities for small businesses.


Community Development

Goldman Sachs has invested in communities across the United States, supporting a wide variety of development and revitalization projects. We’ve invested in affordable housing construction, job creation, quality education, healthcare facilities, small businesses and more, part of our ongoing effort to empower communities and promote long-term economic growth.

Learn More About the Goldman Sachs Community Development Grants Program


New Orleans

Since 2008, we’ve helped to revitalize communities in New Orleans through projects that provide housing, jobs, education and business-building capital.

New York

Across the five boroughs of New York City, our impact investments have helped to build affordable housing, retail space, and healthcare and community facilities.


Our work with the City of Newark has led to new housing, schools, retail space and community facilities.


Since 2009, our impact investments in Utah have helped provide affordable housing, education, small business growth, job creation and more.


A $41.5 million loan from Goldman Sachs helps the KIPP Cooper Norcross Academy and the City of Camden prepare more students for college.


Goldman Sachs has invested $6.9 million in the first phase of The Detroit Riverfront development project, which is designed to revive the area and connect it to the city’s downtown.


Sears Crosstown, an adaptive reuse of the town’s historic Sears Roebuck & Co. facility, will provide retail stores, office space and housing to help strengthen the surrounding Crosstown neighborhood.


A $16.9 million social impact bond is funding pre-kindergarten education for 2,620 Chicago public school students over four years.

Through the 10,000 Small Businesses program, Goldman Sachs helps entrepreneurs create jobs and opportunities in their communities.

The program provides greater access to education and business support services, as well as a network of fellow entrepreneurs whose knowledge, commitment and drive has proved vital to our graduates. An essential component of our Impact Investing approach, the program also provides loans to small businesses that lack access to affordable capital or may not qualify for traditional sources of credit by partnering with select Community Development Financial Institutions in 18 locations across the United States.

Learn More About 10,000 Small Businesses