Goldman Sachs Advisor Solutions Important Disclosures

Statement of Financial Condition

Under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, Folio Investments, Inc. doing business as Goldman Sachs Custody Solutions is required to publish its audited statement of financial condition on an annual basis and its unaudited mid-year statement of financial condition. To read the latest copy of Goldman Sachs Custody Solutions’ Statement of Financial Condition, click the corresponding link:

06/30/2024 Unaudited Statement of Financial Condition

12/31/2023 Audited Statement of Financial Condition

06/30/2023 Unaudited Statement of Financial Condition

12/31/2022 Audited Statement of Financial Condition

Business Continuity & Contingency Planning

Securities industry regulations require that brokerage firms inform their clients of their plans to address the possibility of a business disruption that potentially results from a power outage, natural disaster, or other event. Folio has a comprehensive business continuity program in place, which we review, update and test on a regular basis. The plan provides for continuation of client service in the event of various types of interruption to our facilities and services, although obviously we cannot plan for or guarantee against all contingencies.

Our policy is to respond to significant business disruptions by safeguarding employees’ lives and firm property, making a financial and operational assessment then quickly recovering and resuming operations while protecting the firm’s books and records.

Examples of potential scenarios that our plans address:

  • A power outage. Our primary facility has multiple layers of power supply, including battery and diesel generator power supplies, which address this contingency.
  • Our primary call center becomes unavailable for any reason. We are able to transition to remote locations and continue to answer calls.
  • External threats or damage to our primary facility. We can transition to our back-up facility with some, but in many cases minimal, disruption to services.

No contingency plan can eliminate all risk of service interruption. In creating our Business Continuity & Contingency Plan, we make certain assumptions regarding alternative facilities being accessible, sufficient personnel being available, and external organizations including securities markets and government agencies being operational. If these assumptions are not valid under particular circumstances, we are prepared to evaluate possibilities for minimizing the disruption to our services feasible as events unfold and will promptly provide clients with information about how to access their funds and securities.

We update our Business Continuity & Contingency Plan as needed and evaluate the plan at least annually. We will continue to post an updated summary of our plan on our website. You may also obtain our current Business Continuity & Contingency Plan summary by submitting a written request to:

Folio Investments, Inc.
ATTN: Business Continuity Plan
8180 Greensboro Drive, 8th Floor
McLean, VA 22102