Transaction Banking

Digital Channels

Goldman Sachs Transaction Banking’s (TxB™) digital channels provide clients an omnichannel banking platform experience, allowing them to access their accounts using any of the channels described below. TxB’s platform was designed API-first and on the cloud, making it easy for clients to integrate and providing them with real-time¹ data access.  
Image is simulated and for illustrative purposes

Multi-factor Authentication

Soft token authentication accessible via mobile phone as a part of TxB’s multi-factor authentication solution

Real-time¹ Payment status

Real-time¹ payment status visibility using TxB’s payment tracking tool, which includes SWIFT GPI tracking 

Simple User Interface

Simple and responsive digital interface making it easy for treasury teams to operate

Payment Types

Use SWIFT, FileAct, NACHA & ISO file formats to execute domestic and foreign currency payments across ACH, Wire, and real-time rails 

Developer Guides

Catalogue of file samples and guides for payment initiation & reporting

Robust Reporting Capabilities

Reporting supports multiple file formats, including BAI, CAMT 52/53, and MT 940/942

Virtual Account APIs

Clients can create, update, and delete virtual accounts, and better track money movement without the latency of manual reconciliation.

Multi-Rail Payment API

Single Payment API that is rail agnostic, so clients don’t need to implement additional APIs.

Real-time¹ Balance & Transaction Reporting APIs

Clients can track changes to their account ledgers, including balances and transactions, ensuring their treasury position is accurately reflected.

Want to learn more?
Get in touch with Goldman Sachs Transaction Banking.

Transaction Banking services are offered by Goldman Sachs Bank USA (“GS Bank”) and its affiliates. GS Bank is a New York State chartered bank, a member of the Federal Reserve System and a Member FDIC. For additional information, please see Bank Regulatory Information.